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Minneapolis-based Uncivilized Books is an independent publisher and think-tank specializing in comic books and rogue theories. A champion of intelligent comics, graphic novels, and criticism for over a decade, Uncivilized has released works by some of the best cartoonists on the planet: Gabrielle Bell, Matt Madden, Peter Wartman, Joann Sfar, David B., Alan Moore, Noah Van Sciver, and many more. We’re currently serializing Ginseng Roots, a significant new work from Craig Thompson (Blankets). Uncivilized is run by cartoonist Tom Kaczynski.

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SPX Table W47-49


First There Was Chaos by Joel Priddy

Pill Hill by Nicholas Breutzman

Unended by Josh Bayer

Holy Fools & Funny Gods by Izar Lunacek

Book Signings

11:00 AM Nicholas Breutzman & Tom Kaczynski
Noon Izar Lunacek & Joel Priddy
1:00 PM Nicholas Breutzman & Matt Madden
2:00 PM Nicholas Breutzman & Izar Lunacek
3:00 PM Kriota Willberg & Joel Priddy
4:00 PM K Wroten & MS Harkness
5:00 PM Nicholas Breutzman & Josh Bayer
6:00 PM Joel Priddy & Tom Kaczynski

Noon Nicholas Breutzman & Matt Madden
1:00 PM Izar Lunacek & MS Harkness
2:00 PM Joel Priddy & K Wroten
3:00 PM Nicholas Breutzman & Tom Kaczynski
4:00 PM Kriota Willberg & Izar Lunacek
5:00 PM Joel Priddy & Nicholas Breutzman

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