Altered Realities
09/15/2024 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm | White Flint Amphitheater
Comics provide a unique way of looking at consensus reality in startlingly new and different ways. Whether used to represent the way mental illness can affect the way we perceive reality, how occult forces can warp perception, or how in the far future the ways in which surviving species might perceive humanity, the use of line and color offers a world of possibilities. Francesca Lyn will explore the topic with Peter Kuper (Ruins, Insectopolis), Laura Pérez (Ocultos, Totem), Christi Furnas (Crazy Like A Fox: Adventures In Schizophrenia), and Nate Powell (Fall Through, Swallow Me Whole).
Panelists: Christi Furnas, Laura Pérez, Peter Kuper, Nate Powell
Special Guests: Christi Furnas and Peter Kuper