Jonathan Baylis (writer), art by J.T. Yost & Jeremy Nguyen

SPX Table W74
Adults Only
Category: Autobiographical
It’s baby’s first Riso with Live From New York… It’s So Buttons! Two stories about my connections to Saturday Night Live and 30 Rockefeller Plaza. In So… Fugazi, J.T. Yost draws my tale of meeting Fugazi’s frontman Ian McKaye and what we have in common. We’ve both lost our shit in 30 Rock. He recounts how John Belushi insisted on punk band Fear making an appearance on SNL for a Halloween show and how Ian called upon his punk brethren to tear down the house and 200K worth of camera equipment. In So… Live from New York, New Yorker cartoonist Jeremy Nguyen draws upon some of my family history as my dad, an IT guy for 50 years, got his first post-college job as an NBC Page working for Johnny Carson in 30 Rock and 40 years later, I got a job at NBCU and for orientation, took a tour of the SNL stage and learned how they stole their seats from Yankee Stadium!