Donnie Steinberg/Richard A. Harrington

SPX Table W14A
All Ages
“The Thursday the Earth Stood Still,” the third comic in our CHUNKS of TOMORROW anthology series, is a story about people who make plans without expecting an alien invasion to complicate things. It’s funny, with great art, and surprisingly emotional, and not surprisingly a little existential. Scholars have said that what is the most personal is the most universal. So maybe it follows that what is most intergalactic can be the most intimate. The particles of our minds and souls are linked in some unknowable way to the cosmos. We all are stardust, every atom in our bodies the remnant of an exploded star, assembled as private universes inside us until we dissolve and return to the void. “The Thursday the Earth Stood Still” begins on an average week in an average place, where the law of averages is about to be tested, as the daily routine of actions and reactions, of risks and rewards and dreams and nightmares, is interrupted by something much bigger and maybe much more personal than anyone might have imagined…