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Ignatz Nominee!

Uncivilized Books

Publisher | Uncivilized Books

SPX Table W47-48

Underpants and Overbites

Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | Underpants and Overbites

SPX Table N10

Al Varela

Ind. Creator | they/them

SPX Table B14A

Rodrigo Vargas

Ind. Creator | Vargas

SPX Table I11

Jack Vaughan

Ind. Creator | Vaughan | He/Him

SPX Table W16B

François Vigneault

Publisher | he/him

SPX Table M6-M7

Ignatz Nominee!

Aria Villafranca

Ind. Creator | she/her

SPX Table I7A

Liz Viscous

Ind. Creator

SPX Table K5A

Stephen Vrattos


SPX Table N1

SPX Special Guest!

Tillie Walden

Ind. Creator | Walden

SPX Table W87

Ignatz Nominee!

C. A. P. Ward

Ind. Creator | they/them

SPX Table G1

Jake Warrenfeltz

Ind. Creator

SPX Table G10A

Alex Washburn

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table W33A

Todd Webb

Ind. Creator

SPX Table W11

Geoff Weber

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table I6

Drew Weing

Ind. Creator | He/Him

SPX Table W67

Andrew White

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table M3A

Jordan White

Publisher | White

SPX Table W4B

Whiz Kids from DARPA

Publisher | Whiz Kids from DARPA

SPX Table A4

Zachary Wilberg

Ind. Creator

SPX Table W25A

Benjamin Wilgus

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table H4B

J.T Wilkins

Ind. Creator

SPX Table E4

Kriota Willberg

Ind. Creator | She/They

SPX Table I14B

Christopher Williams

Ind. Creator | He/They

SPX Table W33B

Elizabeth Winkelhoff

Ind. Creator | she/her

SPX Table C4

Mia Wolff

Ind. Creator | Wolff | She/Her

SPX Table W51-55

Ignatz Nominee!

Jenn Woodall

Ind. Creator | Woodall | she/her

SPX Table W31B

SPX Special Guest!

George Wylesol

Ind. Creator | Wylesol

SPX Table J1

Yao Xiao

Ind. Creator | she/they

SPX Table W24A

Ru Xu

Ind. Creator

SPX Table D3B


Publisher | Xylophone

SPX Table L12A

Sophie Yanow

Ind. Creator

SPX Table 15A

J.T. Yost

Publisher | he/him

SPX Table F1-2, F14

Coni Yovaniniz

Ind. Creator

SPX Table I11

Joe Zabel

Ind. Creator | he/his/him

SPX Table F8A

Daniel Zhou

Ind. Creator | Zhou | he/him

SPX Table W68-71

Huahua Zhu

Publisher | Zhu

SPX Table H1

Jules Zuckerberg

Ind. Creator | they/he

SPX Table D11A

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