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Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | Milorin

SPX Table C13

Rebecca Mock

Ind. Creator | they/she

SPX Table h12

Jason Mojica


SPX Table L12A


Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | motobus

SPX Table W8

Mr Fish Comics

Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | Mr Fish Comics

SPX Table b4

Shurjo Mukhi

Ind. Creator | they

SPX Table K10A

Johnny Mumbles

Ind. Creator

SPX Table W9B

Ignatz Nominee!

Gigi Murakami

Ind. Creator | she/ her

SPX Table W16A

my monster hat

Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | my monster hat

SPX Table M11B


Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | MystoPress

SPX Table C12

Lonnie Nadler

Ind. Creator | Nadler

SPX Table W47-48

Lisa Naffziger

Publisher | Naffziger

SPX Table W56-59

Benji Nate

Ind. Creator

SPX Table W80-83

NBM Graphic Novels

Publisher | NBM Graphic Novels

SPX Table F1-2

Andrew Neal

Ind. Creator

SPX Table A12B

Al Neun

Ind. Creator | He/They

SPX Table C3

Babs New

Ind. Creator | They/Them

SPX Table K13B

Ignatz Nominee!

New York Review Comics

Publisher | New York Review Comics

SPX Table I-2

Jonah Newman

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table W29A

Nguyen Nguyen

Ind. Creator

SPX Table A7B

L. Nichols

Publisher | Nichols | They/Them

SPX Table W49


Ind. Creator | Nika | she/her

SPX Table E7


Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | NIKACOMICS

SPX Table E7

Ignatz Nominee!

Anders Nilsen

Ind. Creator | He/Him

SPX Table W66

Jamie Noguchi

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table K12

Cameron Norbert

Ind. Creator | He/him

SPX Table W25

Natalie Norris

Ind. Creator | She/her

SPX Table G6B

Dan Nott

Ind. Creator | Nott | he/him

SPX Table w79

Nova 44

Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | Nova 44

SPX Table W16B

Casey Nowak

Ind. Creator | they/them

SPX Table W5a

George O’Connor

Ind. Creator | he/Him

SPX Table A10

Emil O’Melia

Ind. Creator

SPX Table W17

Josh O’Neill


SPX Table L1

Kyle O’Connell

Ind. Creator | O’Connell | He/him

SPX Table H10B

Nicholas Offerman

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table F11

Andrew Oh

Ind. Creator

SPX Table B11A

Nami Oshiro

Ind. Creator | Oshiro | any

SPX Table B10

Yuko Ota

Ind. Creator | Ota

SPX Table H7

Out of Step Arts

Publisher | Out of Step Arts

SPX Table W38-40

Kevin Panetta

Ind. Creator | He/Him

SPX Table L5

Paper Rocket Minicomics

Publisher | Paper Rocket Minicomics

SPX Table L9

Paradise Systems

Publisher | Paradise Systems

SPX Table W4A

Ignatz Nominee!

Parsifal Press

Publisher | Parsifal Press

SPX Table w79

Maritsa Patrinos

Ind. Creator | She/Her

SPX Table H13

Andrea Pearson

Ind. Creator | she/her

SPX Table D9B

Pellinore Press

Personal Brand/Comic Series Name | Pellinore Press

SPX Table W8

Andrew Pena

Ind. Creator | he/ him

SPX Table W26A

Arantza Peña Popo

Ind. Creator | Peña Popo | She/they

SPX Table A14


Publisher | Peow2

SPX Table J2-3A

SPX Special Guest!

Laura Perez

Ind. Creator | Perez

SPX Table W51-54

Angel Perez

Publisher | She/Her

SPX Table N4B

Perfectly Acceptable Press

Publisher | Perfectly Acceptable Press

SPX Table K8

TC Pescatore

Ind. Creator | he/him

SPX Table G12B

Natasha Petrovic

Ind. Creator | She/Her

SPX Table F13

Kelly Phillips

Ind. Creator | she/her

SPX Table L3

Picture This Press / Lost Art Books

Publisher | Picture This Press / Lost Art Books

SPX Table I8

L Pidge

Ind. Creator | She/They

SPX Table W30A

Elle Pierre

Ind. Creator | They/He

SPX Table W42B

Summer Pierre

Ind. Creator | She/Her

SPX Table W63

Carey Pietsch

Ind. Creator | she/her

SPX Table J6

Zee Pirone

Ind. Creator | he/they

SPX Table W10A

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